Adventure awaits on Coney's Island !!
Welcome to my little corner of the net !! On here you'll find a variety of content, art, blogposting, shrines, and just anything I like to ramble about !! You'll also find some stuff I don't often post on my social media X3 !!! Note, this site is for ALL of my content, not curated feeds like my social media stuffs that I make v specific :3 waf waf !!
This site is 16+ !! My blogs can be quite personal and vulgar so keep that in your mind and heart ^^

Featured Blog
30 Apr - Things are going good !?
A blog about me having a good time living rn !!! crazy I know XD20 Apr - The death of individuality in an era of hyperindividuality
Small rant about my issues with copycats and people not wanting to put the effort in and code their own site :/16 Apr - A loner's day out
A blog about what a day in the life from me looks like.

Status Updates
20:46 . 22/08/2024
current mood: Dying and losing it all
I hope I die in my sleep I hope I live to 100 I'm so cooked we are so back it's never been so bad it's neve been so good
I hope I die in my sleep I hope I live to 100 I'm so cooked we are so back it's never been so bad it's neve been so good
13:53 . 19/06/2024
current mood: chillin
I have such a convoluted way of making epoxy sculpt. I basically have to use this epoxy glue, wait like an hour or longer, and then use it just before it hardens too much
I have such a convoluted way of making epoxy sculpt. I basically have to use this epoxy glue, wait like an hour or longer, and then use it just before it hardens too much
13:46 . 20/05/2024
current mood: Great actually
I finally managed to ride around my block 5 times !! I'll see if I can make a blog abt it today :D !!!
Angel's going (on his first flight 0_0) to the concert today !!! I'll miss him but I'm also excited?
Crush won't be coming to tutors today but I'll text him
I finally managed to ride around my block 5 times !! I'll see if I can make a blog abt it today :D !!!
Angel's going (on his first flight 0_0) to the concert today !!! I'll miss him but I'm also excited?
Crush won't be coming to tutors today but I'll text him
21:21 . 07/05/2024
current mood: Broken
There is something intrinsictly wrong with how I love, how I feel love, how I show love. I am incapable of loving normally or being loved normally.
There is something intrinsictly wrong with how I love, how I feel love, how I show love. I am incapable of loving normally or being loved normally.
12:21 . 02/05/2024
current mood: Stressed.
I feel so overwhelmed and overworkd X( I can handle this !!!! help meeee
I feel so overwhelmed and overworkd X( I can handle this !!!! help meeee
10:32 . 01/05/2024
current mood: Excited but Sleepy XD
Happy Workers day !!!! I get the day off school but I still gotta grind out work (which is my fault for not finished fghj) and I'm gonna have tutors today !!! Gonna see cutie there :3 hehe
Happy Workers day !!!! I get the day off school but I still gotta grind out work (which is my fault for not finished fghj) and I'm gonna have tutors today !!! Gonna see cutie there :3 hehe
18:32 . 22/04/2024
00:39 . 21/04/2024
current mood: proud of myself !!!! I finally got some good work done on my IT java practical !! Gonna type it all up tmr
18:29 . 19/04/2024
aaaaa workout (bike ride) was so tiiiiiring :( but i did it !! and my mom got us takeaways so now i can eat yummy pizza
21:21 . 10/04/2024
I am unworthy of unconditional love
13:02 . 05/04/2024
current mood: good !!!!
Rode my bike for the first time in months, even if it was just around the block XD
Rode my bike for the first time in months, even if it was just around the block XD
13:25 . 04/04/2024
current mood: weird
I had a nightmare where my dad sexuality assaulted me...
I had a nightmare where my dad sexuality assaulted me...
12:24 . 03/04/2024
current mood: kinda shitty
Meeting up with my maths tutor today
Meeting up with my maths tutor today
19:57 . 24/03/2024
current mood: Pretty okay-ish
Mom's drunk again :/
Mom's drunk again :/
16:01 . 20/03/2024
current mood: Decompressing from overstimulation, otherwise better than yesterday
Tummy Cramps still prevelant
Tummy Cramps still prevelant
19:11 . 17/03/2024
current mood: Really Shitty
Had tummy cramps all day, so I slept through most of it :((
Had tummy cramps all day, so I slept through most of it :((
23:26 . 14/03/2024
current mood: Feeling kind blehhh.
17:59 . 08/03/2024
current mood: Excited :D finally able to work on the site gain, but also frustrated cuz of this annoying etsy seller :(
14:09 . 02/03/2024
current mood: tired -_-Website Updates
19:32 . 22/05/2024
Created an Interests page and redid the home and index page partially !!
19:36 . 11/05/2024
I made my collections page and added the flag widget to my home page !!! I also rehauled my index page to make it look epic >:3 !!!!!!!!!!!
10:26 . 01/05/2024
Rehauled the about page !!! THinking of recoding the home page from scratch (but I should focus on FINISHING SHIT first)
08:26 . 20/04/2024
I made a lotta changes but didn't mention them oops. BUT I revamped the home page yesterday !!
22:13 . 22/03/2024
Changed up home page's look and added a blog post RSS feed :3
19:11 . 17/03/2024
Fixed issues on gallery page and added a way to sort by type
14:59 . 15/03/2024
changed main page to /home instead of just the index. Created the blog page
23:26 . 14/03/2024
fixed index
14:52 . 02/03/2024
Added site title and icon
14:09 . 02/03/2024
Had to remake the entire index page cuz I edited it accidentally aaa such a painnnTo Do List
- code individual oc pages 0_0
- make site mobile friendly
- make sitescreenreader compatible
- revamp oc repository
- script site map
- add photography page
- add dream journal
- revamp gallery
- revamp blog
- organize and revamp stamp page
- make club penguin shrine
- make puffle pet sim script
- change status / website updates to an rss feed or iframes
- make a shrine page
- clean up code
- finish tomoko shrine
- create commissions page
- create shop page
- create sheezy webring
- organize fonts
- build homepage from the ground up
bonus! finish coding new sheezy profile