Welcome to coney's island 2.0 !! On here you'll find a variety of content, art, blogposting, shrines, and just anything I like to ramble about !! You'll also find some stuff I don't often post on my social media X3 !!! Note, this site is for ALL of my content, not curated feeds like my social media stuffs that I make v specific :3 waf waf !!
This site is 16+ !! My blogs can be quite personal and vulgar so keep that in your mind and heart ^^ All explicit content will be marked as such !!
Featured Blog
30 Apr - Things are going good !?
A blog about me having a good time living rn !!! crazy I know XD20 Apr - The death of individuality in an era of hyperindividuality
Small rant about my issues with copycats and people not wanting to put the effort in and code their own site :/16 Apr - A loner's day out
A blog about what a day in the life from me looks like.


To Do List
- code individual oc pages 0_0
- make site mobile friendly
- make sitescreenreader compatible
- revamp oc repository
- script site map
- add photography page
- add dream journal
- revamp gallery
- revamp blog
- organize and revamp stamp page
- make club penguin shrine
- make puffle pet sim script
- change status / website updates to an rss feed or iframes
- make a shrine page
- clean up code
- finish tomoko shrine
- create commissions page
- create shop page
- create sheezy webring
- organize fonts
build homepage from the ground upbonus! finish coding new sheezy profile